Pledged during Direct Drive!
Congratulations! And thanks to everyone in our wonderful community for smashing our goal and making the Direct Drive such a great success!
When you give to BFDay PTSA, however much, you are helping to ensure that our children are getting what they need to learn!
How Does PTSA Fundraising work?
Each spring, the PTSA Board projects revenue (donations) for the following school year, asks school staff about needs and priorities, prepares a budget of planned expenses based on those needs, and presents it at a general meeting for a vote.
Families have also been vocal about not being asked for money multiple times, so we have rolled holiday gifts and appreciation week activities for staff and teachers into the overall budget. The PTSA will work with room parents and appreciation volunteers to disburse funds at the appropriate time.

Fundraising Events
Every year there are events organized by the PTSA that work towards collecting the funds required to support the programs. Some of the major events are detailed below
- Direct Drive: Largest fundraiser of the year and the only direct fund ask to parents. Learn more about Direct Drive
- Move-A-Thon: Get your kids moving to raise funds through kids sponsors. Learn more about Move-A-Thon
- Spring Fling: Same event with new name. Previous name includes Spring Auction. Social event for adults. Focus on community building with adult family members and staff. There is also an auction. Learn more about Spring Fling
How Are Donations Used?
Direct Staff Position Funding: $160,000
- Keeping a 0.6 FTE ReadingInterventionist focused on foundational reading skills for first and second grade students, giving them the support they need to become readers.
- Keeping the School Counselor position full time. (SPS only covers 0.5)
- Hiring a Recess Supervisor.
School Events, Social Enrichment & Family Assistance: $30,505
- Offering Jump Start to help ease the transition to school for Kindergarteners.
- Dragon Dens, Village Day, Socials, Fifth Grade Graduation & Overnight Trip.
- Field trip subsidies and enrichment scholarships to remove financial barriers to attendance.
- Ensuring that Mr. Taylor has resources to reach all students and support families furthest from educational justice, including clothing, emergency funds, and home visits.
PTSA Admin & Fundraising Expenses: $15,655
- Admin includes state and city PTSA dues, insurance, CPA, registrations, printing, and web hosting.
- Spring Event venue & catering, Move-A-Thon supplies, printing, and merchandise to be sold.
Classroom Supplies & Materials: $17,000
- Teachers receive stipends for classroom supplies and materials. Purchases include supplemental science kits, classroom books, smart board repairs, iPad charging stations, earmuffs, sensory manipulatives, balls for gym class, etc. (Note that this is different from the school supply funds collected at the beginning of the year by the school for student consumables like pencils and notebooks.)
Staff Gifts, Appreciation & Development: $17,600
- Holiday Gifts and Appreciation Week recognition for teachers and staff.
- Educator and Professional Development: PTSA funds 100% of training in the Orton-Gillingham methodology of reading instruction that is considered “gold standard”, particularly for students with reading challenges.
Academic Enrichment for Reading, Writing, Art, Music: $20,800
- Art room supplies and 5th Grade Tile Project, music guest artists and special curriculum.
- Library Grant for books with diverse authors and portrayal of diverse characters, additional social-emotional literature to support classroom instruction, and chapter books that support emerging readers interests.
- Funding the “Writers in the Schools” program to help students learn the full arc of the writing process and develop their writing skills.