Support BFDay PTSA Funded Programs

PTSA Fundraising:

The 2023-2024 budget goal for PTSA-supported programs is $296,036, or $712 per student. This year the fundraising goal is set to $207,900, with the remaining $88,136 being drawn down from the reserves.

 Fundraising Events: 

Every year there are events organized by the PTSA that work towards collecting the funds required to support the programs. Some of the major events are detailed below
  • Direct Drive: Largest fundraiser of the year and the only direct fund ask to parents. Learn more about Direct Drive 
  • Move-A-Thon: Get your kids moving to raise funds through kids sponsors. Learn more about Move-A-Thon
  • Spring Giving: Social event for adults that raises funds through an auction of donated items. Learn more about Spring Giving

Supported Programs and Impacts: 

When you give to BFDay PTSA, however much, you are helping to ensure that our children are getting what they need to learn!

Direct Staff Position Funding: $180,000

  • Increased FTE teachers and staff to provide intervention services in reading, math, and social-emotional readiness, and focused on K-1 reading support to ensure our youngest scholars get individual instruction.
  • Keeping Mr. Taylor as a full-time School Counselor and hiring a Playground Supervisor.

All School Events, Social Enrichment & Family Assistance: $27,126

  • Replacing funding that used to come from the district so we could offer Jump Start to help ease the transition to school for Kindergarteners.
  • Dragon Dens, Village Day, Socials, Fifth Grade Graduation.
  • Field Trip subsidies and enrichment scholarships to remove financial barriers to attendance.
  • Ensuring that Mr. Taylor has the resources to reach all students and support families furthest from educational justice, including clothing and monetary support for 20+ families and 30 home visits.

Academic Enrichment: Reading, Writing, Art, Music: $18,300

  • Art room supplies, 5th Grade Tile Project, music guest artists & special curriculum.
  • Library Grant for books with diverse authors and portrayal of diverse characters, increase in social-emotional literature to support classroom instruction & chapter books that support Native American and Indigenous studies.

Staff Gifts, Appreciation & Development: $19,600

  • Holiday Gifts and Appreciation week recognition for teachers and staff.
  • Educator and Professional Development: we invest heavily in teachers, i.e. PTSA funds 100% of training in the Orton-Gillingham methodology of reading instruction that is considered “gold standard”, particularly for students with reading challenges.

Classroom Supplies & Materials: $24,600

  • Back to School Supplies for Students and Classroom and Cleaning Supplies

PTSA Admin & Fundraising Expenses: $21,010

  • Admin includes state and city PTSA dues, insurance, CPA, registrations, printing, web hosting.
  • Fundraising includes Classroom Book Grants (Direct Drive Prizes) and Spring Event venue & catering.

B.F. Day PTSA is a 501(c)(3) and all contributions are tax deductible. Our tax ID# (Employer Identification Number) is: 91-1348668. We also welcome employer matching. Check with your employer to see if they’ll match your donation.