ArtFest – To celebrate the creative and artistic history of B.F. Day, in the Spring we hold our annual ArtFest. This event showcases a gallery walk of most students’ artwork, musical and drama performances. (Who – Students and families; When – Spring)
Arty Party – Our not-to-be-missed annual adult-only auction which honors the artistic center of Fremont and one of the central tenants of B.F. Day. Families, merchants, teachers, and classrooms offer services and donations to be auctioned at this event. This event is highly anticipated and so fun. (Who – Grown ups only; When – Spring)
Assemblies – Each Monday morning during the school year there is an assembly. Families are always welcome and encouraged to attend. Please check the school schedule for when your child will be going to assembly. (Who – Students and parents; When – Monday mornings at 8am)
Boys & Girls Club – After school, some students at B.F. Day go to the Boys and Girls Club. There is a club on-site at B.F. Day that is currently at capacity and has a wait list. To get more information about future openings, please call: (206-547-7169). The Wallingford Boys and Girls club is located at Stone and 45th. A bus takes students to this location after the school day. This location may still have spots available. Please call (206-436-1930) for more information.
Bus transportation to this “club” needs to be set up by families in August by calling Transportation office at (206) 252-0900 or easier by emailing It helps if your provide your child(ren)’s full name, ID#, and where they are traveling to and from.
Curriculum Night – Curriculum night is an adult-only event where families can meet students’ teacher(s) and learn about what is planned for academics during the school year. (Who – Grown-ups and caregivers; When – October)
Dragon Dens – One of the core beliefs of B.F. Day Elementary is that we support and encourage socio-emotional growth for students and each other.
Dragon Dens are a monthly group meetings of mixed-grade groups who meet with the same adult every month. Students read books and engage with activities related to current topics and events, as well as conduct Q&A and workshops for the students to practice socio-emotional generosity and sensitivity. Ask your student about these meetings, they are very special. (Who – Students; When – every month)
Field Day – End of year celebration with field games, all family and volunteer BBQ, and lots of fun, run by our wonderful P.E. teacher. (Who – Students and parents; When – End of school year)
5th Grade Field Trip – Every year the 5th grade class take an overnight field trip.
Lost & Found -Lost and Found is located at the Northeast entrance and is often hung on the fence before it gets donated to charity three times per year (Winter break, Spring break, and Summer break). If you lose something, please call the office to look for the lost item and save it. Even better – label everything.
Lowers, Uppers, and Upper Uppers – The three playgrounds at BF Day are named for their location. The “Lowers” is the playground in the southwest of campus; the “Uppers” is the playground on the main level. The “Upper Uppers” is a Seattle Parks playground that is also frequently used by students during and after school.
Science Fair – Yearly exhibit of K-5 science projects. Students are asked to come up with their own project or conduct a project suggested by their teacher. (Who – students; When – Fall; Required for grades 2-5)
Move-a-thon – Yearly run/jog/walk/move-your-body fundraiser with lots of fun costumes, competitions, and prizes. Students raise funds by asking friends and family for sponsorships on a per lap or flat participation level. (Who – students; When – Spring)
Take Your Parent to School Night – Annual “Open House” for students to give their families an opportunity to view their work in their classroom. (Who – Students and adults; When – late Winter)
Village Day – One day close to the end of the school year, BF Day turns into a microeconomy. Each classroom creates crafts or experiences and sells goods or provides a service that can be purchased with BF Day Bucks. $1 USD = $5 Day Bucks. The kids are given a stipend each year and can put their BF Day bucks in a savings account to use year after year. This is a popular event with many alumni attending. (Who – Students and parents; When – end of the school year)